Be There or Be Square

I used to do a lot of theater in school and college. So much so that I remember a conversation I had with a Psychology professor at IIT (I also did every Humanities course I could!) about how I could combine my interest in active theater with a career.

Well, it never panned out. I never stepped on a stage after entering the work force. But recently, as I take a break from full-time work, an opportunity came my way via a friend and I jumped on it. On July 23rd, the curtain goes up on 30 Days in September. This play by Mahesh Dattani is easily the most intense, powerful play I have ever done. At 70 minutes it is compact. There are only four actors (though I play four roles!). The other three actors and the director Rooben Morgan, are all experienced pros (unlike me!)

If you live in the Bay Area or are visiting, please come see the play. There are seven shows in San Francisco. More details can be found here. Tickets are available here.


  1. Sanjay Dutt says:

    Bravo! This calls for a toast. Having heard of your passion for this (and sharing the passion as well!) I can imagine how excited you must be. Wish you the very best!


  2. Sarvesh says:

    Looking forward to it. See you on the 29th


  3. ashish rastogi says:

    oh nice ! my aunt is in the same play, good luck.


  4. Bharat Rao says:

    Basab, as head of sales at Infy, you must have come as close as it gets to combining theater with a career. That reminds me – I recall you were at the Adarsh Gardens guest house one evening and a bunch of Infoscions were at the table (yours truly included). You went around the table and got the Infoscions to introduce themselves and talk about the projects they were on etc. One rookie talked about his project and then demanded to know which "project" you were on. There was an awkward pause and you were obviously surprised but you recovered quickly and said something about being with sales in Fremont and everyone got on with dinner and the rest of the evening passed uneventfully .


    1. "sales…combining theater with a career"

      Bharat – actually a career in sales pretty much kills any chance of pursuing an interest in theater. Constant travel does that.


  5. Sarvesh Mahesh says:


    Great job. Both Seema and I loved the show. You indeed are 'The Man'



    1. Basab says:

      Thanks Sarvesh. Thanks for coming and for the kind words.


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